Best Chloasma Treatment Centre

The exact causes of chloasma are unknown. However, there are several known triggers and risk factors that increase incidence. The condition is also known to occur at any time in life and in people of any gender. However, most commonly, hyperpigmentation occurs during and after pregnancy and in those taking pregnancy-related hormones. People with higher levels of pigment in their skin and those who are regularly exposed to more intense sunlight are also at higher risk of developing chloasma. Chloasma, which is also called melasma or the “mask of pregnancy,” is a common condition in pregnancy. In fact, it impacts the majority of pregnancies, affecting between 45% and 75% of them. Chloasma usually presents as dark, brownish patches of skin, mostly on the forehead, nose, upper lip, and cheeks hence the "mask" nickname. These darkened areas, which can range from light tan to dark brown, are usually symmetrical, showing up evenly on both sides of the face. Less commonly, these patches can occur on other parts of the body that are exposed to the sun, like the neck or the forearms.


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