Best Alopecia Treatment Centre

Alopecia areata is a condition that results in hair loss when the immune system destroys hair follicles. The parts of the skin that produce hair are called hair follicles. Although alopecia areata can affect any part of the body, the head and face are most frequently affected. Hair normally sheds in quarter-sized, spherical patches, but in certain circumstances, the amount of hair loss is more. The majority of patients have no other symptoms and are in good health. Each person's case of alopecia areata develops differently. Some people have hair loss on and off throughout their lifetimes, while others only experience it once. Additionally, recovery is unpredictable; some people's hair will fully regenerate while others won't. Alopecia areata cannot be cured, however, there are therapies that can hasten the growth of new hair. Resources are available as well to assist people in coping with hair loss.


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