Chloasma Treatment Centre

Chloasma, sometimes referred to as melasma, is an acquired pigmentary condition of the skin that is marked by hyperpigmented spots of discoloration. Hyperpigmentation is the word for the darkening of one's natural skin tone as a result of an increase in the deposition of melanin, the pigment responsible for one's eye, skin, and hair colors. Chloasma normally appears symmetrically on both sides of the face, though it can occasionally appear in other places that are exposed to the sun. Chloasma can afflict both those whose assigned sex at birth is male and people whose assigned sex is female, however, it is far more prevalent in people whose assigned sex at birth is female. Since they naturally have more melanin in their skin than people with fair skin, people with darker skin and those who tan quickly are more at risk. Due to its widespread occurrence in pregnant people, chloasma is frequently called the "mask of pregnancy." Though the cause of chloasma during pregnancy is not entirely understood, it is believed to be a result of the hormonal changes involving progesterone and estrogen that occur throughout pregnancy.


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  • Chloasma Treatment Centre in Noida
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  • Chloasma Treatment Centre in Alpha II
  • Chloasma Treatment Centre in Beta I
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