Hair Falling Treatment Clinic

Hair loss is common as people become older because hair growth slows. Hair follicles eventually stop producing hair, causing the hair on our scalp to diminish. Hair begins to lose its colour as well. The hairline of a woman begins to recede with time. This type of hair loss affects both men and women and is the most frequent cause of hair loss worldwide. Male pattern hair loss is a term used to describe hair loss in men. Female pattern baldness is a condition that affects women. Androgenic alopecia is the medical name for hair loss that occurs in both men and women.Whatever title you pick, it means you've inherited genes that cause your hair follicles (the root of each hair) to shrink and finally stop producing hair. Cosmogenix Aesthetic Skin Hair & Laser Clinic has the dermatologist who will provide best treatment.If you want to know more please contact us at 9891601717.

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