Chloasma Treatment Centre

Melasma is a common, harmless skin condition characterized by dark patches (hyperpigmentation) on the face. Sun exposure is typically to blame. Melasma that develops in pregnant women is known as chloasma, or "the mask of pregnancy." The hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy cause chloasma. Melasma affects far more women than men. People of color, particularly those of Latin, Asian, Middle Eastern, or North African origin, are also more likely to develop it. Melasma dark patches can be light-to-dark brown, brown-gray, or gray-blue in color. Sunlight might darken them even further. Melasma is typically symmetric, which means it appears on both sides of your face. The issue has no effect on the texture of your skin or causes any unpleasant sensations such as itching or soreness. Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light, whether from the sun or a tanning bed, is the primary cause of melasma. The patches occur when UV rays cause your skin's natural skin pigment, melanin, to overproduce.


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